Friday 10 December 2021


They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. I have to say my first couple of steps have been nothing short of exhilarating. When I got admitted here and had to move, I was befuddled. I had so many expectations. You read and hear a lot about these ends and how people of color are treated, the high rate of racial profiling and all these things that can generally cause a person to re-evaluate choices. Being here has been challenging with having to re-acclimatize, make new acquaintances and friends, juggle school work, attempt to build a social life and luckily for me, racial profiling has been the least of my worries. The people I’ve met are some of the most amazing people I’ve ever come across. Needless to say, it’s been a thrilling and enlightening ride.

One of the things I’m most thankful for is how much of an influence my lecturers have been. They are nothing short of amazing. My English lecturer have helped me rejuvenate my love for writing and for that I’m eternally grateful. If all lecturers were like her, I’m sure everyone would love school. You know majority of the time whenever the topic of student/lecturer is raised, the general concept that comes into mind is that of sworn enemies, or that of a superior and a subordinate but in the lecturers, I have had the semester, I have found mentors in them. I’m grateful for how much they have helped buffer what would have been a harrowing experience. I look forward to where this journey takes me and hope that I’ll continually supersede expectations.

I’m also thankful for my classmates and friends. I couldn’t have made it through this semester without them. Like the old saying goes, “no man is an island”. The wonderful people I met this semester have been a huge part of my success and I’m thankful that I got to meet them. A big shout out to you all!

1 comment:

  1. You're a great writer, Christianna! I'm honored to have served as your teacher :)


Thankful They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step...