Friday 24 September 2021

Keep going

    Ever woke up one day and felt your energy was off? Like the odds of that day were stacked against you, everything you were doing was falling out of place like you were on an endless downward spiral. Well I can relate…I woke up this morning with my usual upbeat tempo but couldn’t muster the strength to get up. I felt my insides form knots. Thought to myself “must be the cheese I had the night before”.

    You see we as humans function at a particular wavelength, made up of the same materials that constitute all the fundamentals of our universe. That feeling in your gut when you’re by yourself in a strange place, that tingle in your spine when you meet certain people, your heart skipping a beat when you meet that special someone; it’s your universe reacting with another universe functioning on a different wavelength from yours. I think the gut feeling is a heads up from your subconscious to not tread a certain path or to perhaps stay in bed that day. 

    Needless to say, today wasn’t one of my best days, but you see, that doesn't deter me…On average, we humans are as resilient as it gets. I guess the bottom line is when the going gets tough, the tough get going. I’m going to bed now completely oblivious of what the universe is gonna throw at me but one thing I know for sure is………We move! 

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Thankful They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step...