Friday 17 September 2021

Is the Internet evil?

    I recently read an article suggesting that the Internet is “evil”. It got me thinking to ask this pertinent question; is it really evil or is it the abuse that is evil? Well in my opinion, if the most harmless of human inventions can be weaponized, how much more something as powerful as the internet. 

    The Internet is a vast network that virtually connects people all over the world through computers. It helps people to share information and communicate from anywhere and anytime with an Internet connection. The Internet has evolved into an omniscient entity that we humans; young and old, have come to rely on in our everyday endeavors. I can’t over stress its' importance in our everyday lives. Personally, I use the Internet as a makeshift oracle; I consult it for almost everything. It is one of the greatest inventions of the human race. The Internet gives access to an array of diverse topics, perdurable information to as many who seek to quench their insatiable thirst for knowledge. Now, like many human inventions, it has been perverted by unscrupulous elements of our society. As powerful as the Internet is, with endless potential for knowledge and enlightenment, it has been abused and now serves as a backdrop for men of the underworld to perpetrate all sorts of misguided activities ranging from cyber-crime to other heinous activities. They have somehow managed to weaponize this oracle of unlimited knowledge into a tool for their operations. 

   The usefulness of the internet (or lack of) is a function of the user. Therefore, I would say that the user determines whether the Internet is evil or not depending on what it is being used for.

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Thankful They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step...