Friday 3 September 2021

My Trip to America

       My journey to America was very amusing to say the slightest. It was stressful and fun. I dealt with many struggles and difficulties at the airport. I'm so glad that I had a safe travel and I'm excited to start living on campus for the first time, making friends with new people, and working towards my goal of becoming a nurse. I will now tell you how my journey was stressful.

        I left for the airport very early so that I could check in early. Our flight was delayed for about thirty minutes. Saying goodbye to my parents wasn’t easy. I was in tears and I missed them so much. The masks we were required to wear were uncomfortable, although I understand the importance they hold on the world. Finally, we went on board our flight and flew from Nigeria to Germany, then from Germany to Newark Airport in New Jersey. This is where we were met with more frustrations. After passing through immigration, we went to check in and was told that our flight to Nashville, Tennessee was cancelled. We stayed in New Jersey for two days until we found a connection flight that first flew to Houston, Texas before taking another connection flight to Nashville.

        Although I went through all this frustration, I have to admit that I did have some fun while traveling around. When we landed in Newark, New Jersey, we stayed in a Hilton hotel for two days due to our flight being cancelled. I considered visiting Times square in New York due to the proximity to Newark airport. However, I was so tired from my journey that I slept off and didn’t get to do so. I plan to someday visit New York under a more relaxed trip and visit the amazing sites. After we landed in Nashville, my family and I stayed in my brother's house for some days, and I had a lot of fun going to his Church, his office, and eating at a popular restaurant where I had delicious Indian food. After three days, we drove from Nashville to Indiana, passing through Kentucky where I walked into my campus dorm and officially started my Purdue college journey.

        This trip was frustrating and fun. It was a bit weird having dealt with all those difficulties, but I can admit that I enjoyed traveling from country to country and state to state. I enjoyed spending time with my brothers in Nashville. 



  1. This sounds like a LOT! Times Square will always be there for you. For now, I'm happy to have you with us in Hammond!

    Also, consider a larger font size? Thanks!

    1. Thanks Dr. Kyburz for the advice. I happy to be in Hammond!



Thankful They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step...