Friday 29 October 2021


     My last couple of blogs I’ve covered most of what I miss about my motherland, I’ve mostly spoken about what makes me African. My cultural heritage, the diversity that is my motherland. My stay here has been a thrilling one so far and I’m pretty sure it’s only going to get better. On close introspection I’ve come to realize just how similar we all really are… Despite the ostensible differences, we’re all fundamentally human and are prone to so many ups and downs.. 


    Now I’m just not exactly in a great place… My mood is all over the place, school work is getting tougher, I'm stressed, I feel terrible because I'm not used to the cold here, and I'm adjusting to my new environment. Most times it is really hard getting out of bed in the morning. I think the best thing is to step away for a while and just relax, do something fun.

     I’ll keep this short and concise; take care of your mental and physical health people. It’s probably cliché to say “health is wealth” but my people, health really is wealth.When it comes down to it, it’s all we really truly posses.It’s what gives us access to the pursuit of all our other needs and wants. Despite all this though, my innermost self keeps yelling at me to get up and keep it moving.Watch me brush myself up and take flight again with these words of encouragement to keep you going……… “We move”

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Thankful They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step...