Friday 22 October 2021

My Opinion

Happiness is a goal that many people aspire to achieve. Can you really achieve happiness? ... Most people also have a strong desire to be successful in life and they tend to believe that through this word “success” that they will automatically become happier. Instead of synergy, antagonism may occur. 

When you immerse yourself in the idea of success being measured by something you can see, something tangible, whether from a social, economic or cultural standpoint, you are indeed going down the wrong path. Happiness and success can only be seen by the twinkle in your eye, the smile on your face, the difference that you made, the aura of positivity and the strength that you embody. Success is not always followed by happiness. Success is overcoming every failure and every trauma, recovering from the unimaginable things that happened to you and you coming out of the blazing fire scathed but alive. Breathing…. 

People assume that when we're happy, it brings out the best in us. When we're happy, people want to be around you because they think it cultivates “success” That is the wrong idea. If you don’t make mistakes or if you are striving for perfect, you don’t know life, you haven’t lived it. Perfect is boring, imperfect however is fierce. It is when one makes mistakes, learns from them and strives for a better self. Being aware of who you are what you want as well as what you don’t and your purpose in life is the answer to success. Success is not tangible. It can’t be seen, only felt.

For me, happiness will only come when I come to terms with what I was given. Live, love and learn, and eventually laugh again. My fate is unknown but the first step is getting to know myself accepting all that I am and striving to become better than I was yesterday. 

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